
Project title :
SRH HIV/AIDS Prevention targeting Beer Promoters/Entertainment Workers in Phnom Penh through SAHACOM project.

Project Duration :
25(months (July 2010-September 2012)

Executive Summary :
A community based HIV/AIDS prevention project entitled "Sustainable Action against HIV and AIDS in Communities(SAHACOM)"will be implemented within three operational districts- Kandal,Lech,and Cheung covering only Chamkar Morn ,Daun Penh ,Toul Kork ,Meanchey , 7 Makara and Russei Keo administrative districts.
To ensure the project is smoothly and effectively implemented as planned , SABC will be working in close collaboration/partnership with local authorities , establishment owners ,Ministry of Interior(MoI),Ministry of Women Affair,Public Health Centres ,CARE Cambodia,CWCC and concerned government ministries and other key stakeholders.

The strategically approaches of this project consist of :
  •  Restructure the existing structure to be a functional structure to work on SRH and HIV/AIDS  to address the challenges of SRH and HIV/AIDS transmission;
  •  Providing SRH and HIV/AIDS education ,awareness raising for target groups in the target areas include using drop-in centres for beer promoter/entertainment workers to access for  services;
  • Advocating and coordinating with relevant stakeholder particularly Mol and MoWA for preventing and protection those to response the issues.
SABC is responsible for overall project management including planning , organizing , coordinating , monitoring and evaluation and collaboration with other stakeholders in order to ensure the sustainable success in this response.

Relevant Experiences :
SABC has partnership with other stakeholders in past several years and has been working successfully on providing education on SRH,Beer promoters` rights and HIV/AIDS prevention within target areas in Phnom Penh .The program was targeted with beer promoters/entertainment workers which focusing on prevention and education in order to decrease risky behaviour toward HIV/AIDS,STI and discrimination through implementing risk reduction skill building.

KHANA will provide technical support to SABC for implementing activities in particularly Standard Packages of Activities (SPA) in HIV/AIDS focus prevention program.Though implementing this useful tool , it is expected that there will be getting more effective impact on target groups.

SABC is coordinates and collaborates with other NGOs and the key government institutions such as Mol and MOWA ,government and NGOs designated clinics for entertainment workers ,and other relevant authorities to ensure that appropriated support and services are available and accessible for beer promoters/entertainment workers. SABC is also actively involved with various mapping meeting organized by other NGOs , to ensure that its coverage area ,target groups ,and activities do not overlap with other NGOs ;to ensure that its coverage area, target groups ,and activities do collaborated to meet the target group with whom it works.

Major Problems and Need Identification :
Among beer promoters/entertainment workers indicated on the above table, are facing to HIV/AIDS transmission.This cause of they are practicing in challenging to STI and HIV transmission , discrimination from clients and entertainment establishment owners.I t also indicates that those have a high vulnerability for HIV infection as well as STI diseases.

Target Group and Target Area :
  • Target Group :The primary beneficiaries in this project are Most At Risk Populations(MARPs), particularly    focusing on beer promoters/entertainment workers who are working/serving at entertainment  establishments/districts in Phnom Penh municipality of Cambodia.
  • Target Area :The target areas where Sustainable Action against HIV and AIDS in Communities (SAHACOM) project will be implemented include Kandal ,Lech and Cheung Operational Districts , in Phnom Penh ,however , in the three mentioned Operational Districts ,SABC would covers only in Chamkar Mom ,Daun Penh , Toul Kork,Meanchey ,7 Makara and RUssel Keo Administrative Districts and we will expand more Administrative Districts in accordance with funding available from funding agencies or partners.(Pls. See the mapping and demography attached).
Accountability and Transparency System (descriptive mechanism and systems to ensure accountability and transparency manner) :
The reputation of NGOs is crucial and it is very difficult to restore to a reputation once damaged.Therefore, it is important to establish mechanisms of trust that are beneficial in order to develop and maintain legitimacy and public trust.

In order to ensure accountability and transparency,SABC has self regulated with a financial policy and guideline, staff policy by laws and other concerned policy and procedures with understanding and self awareness as well as capable of building trust.

In order to mange a risk of financial insecurity as well as maintain and pursue our goal, SABC would reconcile the contradiction of the wishes of donors and ideology which influence SABC to adapt an approach to suit to the needs of donors and SANC shall be accountable to the affected people we are serving ,funding agencies ,stakeholders ; and ensure that legal frameworks are effectively enforced.